A model of the studio with a portion of the existing house in the foreground.
La Cuesta Studio
location: .Hollywood, California
program: .Residential
.............area: .1,250 sf
...........client: .Private
..........status: .Inactive
The La Cuesta Studio's form is a response to the confined site and the strict zoning requirments of the Mulholland Scenic Corridor Specific Plan.
The La Cuesta accessory building was commissioned by the owner of a production company who needed a home office, as well as a space adjacent to the pool for entertaining.
A model with portion of the existing house in the left of the image.
The ground floor has a large expanse of sliding doors that open the space up to the pool area creating a space that is ideal for enjoying Southern California’s mild climate. The second floor windows and balcony are positioned to maximize the spectacular view of downtown Los Angeles that is visible over the existing house.
The building’s parking is accessed directly from the street, eliminating the need for the existing driveway. This allows for the building to be moved closer to the property line, better utilizing the available area and allowing the building to create privacy from the street and neighbors. The screened exterior gives the building a sense of transparency, relating it to the existing trees that surround it.
Section through the office / living space and garage.